Sunday, February 8, 2015

Thomas & Friends: King Of The Railway: The Movie!

Yep, I got a 2 year old boy who's crazy about trains so here we are on a Saturday evening, watching the Thomas & Friends: King Of The Railway: The Movie!   Is there a Thomas and Friends King of Railway: the TV show?  I really hope not, because I can't take any more of this Thomas.  It's not that it's a bad show if you're a two year old boy, it's just that as a 37 guy there isn't much I get out of it.  Granted I get some free time cause my kid is glued to the TV like a fly on fly paper. 

I think my biggest issue with Thomas is the narrator.  He'll say something like "Thomas is on his way to the station!", I hear "Thomas bladdy bladdy blah blah....."   I try to get involved with the kids shows but it's hard to resist the urge to pull out my phone to check Facebook for the 100th time or play a game of Frozen Free Fall (Yep, that's my jam.  Has nothing to do with the movie being awesome, the game is pretty tight and has like a billion levels.  Similar to that candy crush everyone is talking about.  I haven't tried that yet and am afraid to). 

Anyways, back to the Thomas movie.  I'm bored typing this blog so I'm going to go right to the run on sentence review!


Thomas and friends find a suit of armor in a crate, which turns out to belong to duke or someone who is rebuilding a castle on the island of Sodor, while some old train gets restored, and there's a girl train, and everyone is happy at the end or something. 


Thomas is a good show if your kiddo is into trains, as long as they don't get freaked out by trains that have faces and talk to people.   It's worth a try, but don't expect much that will keep the parents entertained unless you want to turn it into a drinking game (Disclaimer : This blog does not condone drinking games while children are present.)

TOY TIE IN - Or How can they make more money form TV shows and Movies

Here's a new section I'm going to add when there is a toy tie in.  And with Thomas there are a million toy sets but this movie made two just from this movie. 

The first is the Thomas the Train: TrackMaster Castle Quest Set.

My 3 year old nephew has this and I've played with it a bit.  With all trackmaster sets, you just turn on the train and it goes by itself, which I think is pretty cool.  This set features some moving tracks, a mine, castle, and if everything goes right, Thomas will get the crown!  I had more fun with this set than I did watching the movie.  It is a bit pricey but all Thomas toys are pricey. 

And the other is this behemoth or a track!

At only the low low price of $100, you too can relieve the magic of the Thomas movie!  I've never played with this one but it has great reviews and I'm sure kids love it.

Until next time Primers! 


Don't have Amazon Prime and want to give it a try.  Just click the link below for a free 30 day trial.  Seriously it is free as long as you cancel before the 30 days are up and they charge you. 

Defiance - a futuristic show with people and Aliens that look like people and stuff they do

It was around 10pm last when I got the hankering for some sci-fi, so I turned on the Roku and clicked over to the Amazon prime.  And there it was, this show called Defiance.  I'd never heard of it but the description peaked my interest. 

Set in the year 2046, the earth is all changed and there's a bunch of alien races living and fighting with people to survive.  Sounded pretty cool and I noticed there were 2 seasons so the show must have decent for getting renewed.  Not that this should be a good measurement for if a show is any good.  There are plenty of crap ass shows that get renewed for god know what reason and plenty others that are amazing that don't.  I could dedicate an entire blog to shows that ended too soon, but that's not why you're here.

Anywho, the first episode of Defiance is 90 minutes because it must have aired in two segments.  It starts off with some 40 something year old guy and a woman who has weird eyes, which leads you to believe she's an alien.  Here's a pic because my description is pretty bad.

From left to right, alien albinos, human woman (blonde is the mayor and the brunette runs a brothel and sleeps with customers), lead human guy, weird eyed alien girl, human guy who owns the mine and hates aliens.

So there she is with the orange hair sitting on a tree stump or something.   Turns out she's the sort of adopted daughter of the main guy, which everyone thinks is strange because she's not human. 

On the left you have the albino looking aliens that seem to be the gangsters of the town and are plotting to kill the Mexican looking dude on the right.  They also threw in the albino son and Mexican dude's daughter are in love, akin to Romeo and Juliet. 

Next up is the mayor who just took over the position.  She feels inadequate and needs constant reassuring which is annoying.  As the Patriots would say "DO YOUR JOB!".  

Then we have the brunette who runs/works at the town bar/whorehouse.  You might recognize her from Not Another Teen Movie.  

And then this takes is to the lead human guy who's trying to get rich but also trying to do the right thing.  So much internal strife which lends itself to some decent character interactions. 

Now comes the part of the blog where I attempt to summarize the episode/show/movie in one long run on sentence.   If you read only one thing in any future or past blogs, this will tell you everything you need to know.


The main guy and alien chick find this powerful orb, lose their truck, get captured by the townsfolk, help the townsfolk with some problems, have sex (main guy and brothel lady), solve a mystery and save the town from an attach from a bad ass alien army with the help of the power orb. 


There it is.  If that sounds like something you're interested in then give it a try.  I still can't decide if I liked it or not.  I didn't hate it, but I feel like there's better stuff out there to watch.  Maybe I'll come back to this when I've tried some other shows, but for now I've giving Defiance a 47 out of 74 on my 74 point imaginary scale. 

Until next time, keep watching and watching and watching.


Don't have Amazon Prime and want to give it a try.  Just click the link below for a free 30 day trial.  Seriously it is free as long as you cancel before the 30 days are up and they charge you. 

Friday, February 6, 2015

Let's get this party started!

Hello fellow movie and tv watchers!

If you've found this page, you're either already and Amazon prime member or you're thinking about ordering it, or maybe you want to see if this is even possible. All good reasons for coming by. And if you like what you read here, or don't like it and want to just keep up with the latest updates, please subscribe with whatever button is available to do that.

So now onto the fun stuff.   

First a little background information on me. I'm a 37 year old married father of two kids. A 5 year old girl and 2 year old boy. I work a 9-5 desk job in the software industry. Nothing flashy but it pays the bills.  Back in the day, I aspired to be a professional musician, but life came calling and I could only handle so many years of living on the road.

When I'm not working most of my free time is spent with the family and we enjoy watching a good (or bad) movie or kids show.  And that's where Amazon Prime comes in.  My wife was already a member for the 2 day shipping and then they started up their movie and TV programming to compete with Netflix.  For some reason we have that as well but this blog will just feature the Amazon Prime offers. 

Throughout this blog, I'll cover all genres of programs from kids to adults to animals and vegetables.  I think it's best to start of with a show that the entire family can enjoy.......

When I was a kid many moons ago, I loved the curious George books and now I get to experience them all over again in TV form!  Not that books aren't great and I know the American Pediatric blah blah blah says to limit the amount of screen time or so they call it now because everyone's got their iPhones, iPads, blackberries, strawberries, or a Windows phone like myself.  Not sure why I always need to be different with technology.  My friends had Super Nintendo and I had a Turbo Grafix 16.  They all had PlayStation 2 and I had a GameCube.  And so on and so on. 

Sorry for that tangent...back to George.  I've always monkeys so maybe I'm partial to this one but I find the stories, writing, acting and animation to be very enjoyable for adults as well as the kids.  As many times as I watch these episodes over and over again, I'm always up for more and so are the kids. 

One of my favorite episodes is Up a Tree from Season 2 Episode 3.  Here's a little clip I found over on the youtubes:

I wonder if we could teach a monkey to build a treehouse or a real house.  Then we could have an army of carpenter monkeys building homes for the homeless.  But I wouldn't want to put any people carpenters out of business.  How about helping carpenter monkeys so the jobs get done faster?! 

Looks like one chimp figured it out almost 100 years ago!
Click here for the full article!

I guess that's enough for the first edition of Can I Watch Everything on Amazon Prime?!  Please comment with suggestions on what to watch or what you'd like me to watch and review to see if it's any good. 

Thanks for reading and keep watching!


Don't have Amazon Prime and want to give it a try.  Just click the link below for a free 30 day trial.  Seriously it is free as long as you cancel before the 30 days are up and they charge you.